JUNE 17, 2021 ·


Summer again! We are thinking sun, tan glowing skin, beaches, vacations, cookouts, and time to let our curls down and have fun with cute hairstyles. I mean it's only right after the long months our curls have spent tucked in and away from harsh winter winds.

 But spending so much time outdoors comes with its own concern of UV rays and heat for our curly and coily hair types.


So before heading out for that beach and cookout, here are some tips to keep your curls healthy, beautiful, and growing.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!



Hot summer equates to moisture loss, it becomes crucial to replace moisture faster than it's lost. So you need a healthy water intake and also hydrate curls with water sprays, then proceed with your moisturization method.


Invest in highly moisturizing hair products for your LOC moisture method. For liquid (L) Spray a light water mist on hair, or use a water-based leave-in, then your oil (O) and Cream (C) to moisturize and seal hair cuticles and prevent moisture loss.


Swimming and Protecting Your Curls


As much as we love the sun, sinking into the pool/ ocean to cool off is sometimes needed. Our curls need to be protected with a satin-lined swim cap from chlorine and salt water damage ( they dry out your hair). 


If you are like me and think swim caps are not cute, I mean let's be honest no one looks cute in a swim cap with that weird skull shape it gives, lol. Here's what you do, coat your hair with cream and coconut oil sealing hair cuticles and stopping chlorine/ salt water from sinking into the hair shaft. Then wash off pool water immediately after your swim and moisturize with your leave-ins and oil to return moisture.

While Outdoors Protect Your Hair


Use creams and leave-in with Uv rays protection. Sunflower seed oil and Vit.E will protect your curls from free radicals.


For prolonged sun exposure consider a silk headscarf, satin-lined caps, and other hair covers.


Avoid Applied Heat


I mean the sun heat is already drying out your hair why would you apply more heat? After washing hair, simply allow air dry, or if in a hurry, the towel dry, add moisture with your creams and seal with oil.


Read More on moisturizing and sealing oils.


Styling And Frizz


Rather than fight the humidity and frizz, make use of it and rock your blow-outs, puffs, afros, and more voluminous styles. For a slick down style, I recommended the moisturizing Curls Unleashed for hold and definition.


Read more on how to achieve a heatless blowout


Last but not the least, use lighter products to control build-up from sweat on the scalp and hair strands.


With these tips, your can rock your curls without damage throughout the summer. But when the weather starts to feel too much and too long you can always take a break with protective styles like; Bantu knots, corn rows, mini twists, wigs, Marley braids, and more